Examples utilizing HTML, CSS, Javascript and other frameworks to progressively explore the nuances associated with basic Web programming.
Users can view a tribute page with image and text. They can also click on a link that will take them to an external website for further information on the topic.
Users can access all of the portfolio's content either by simply scrolling or by clicking buttons in the navigation menu. They may also click assorted buttons that will take them to my corresponding social media page. Thumbnails are also provided showcasing different projects I have built.
Users can click a button to see a new random quote. They can also press a button to tweet the currently displayed quote.
Users can see the weather in their current location. A different icon is visible dependent of the local weather. The temperature may be toggled between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Users may share the forecast to social media.
Users may search Wikipedia in a search box and see the resulting Wikipedia entries. There is also a random Wikipedia button that displays a random Wikipedia entry